Wrestling Camps in Oregon

Top Wrestling Camps in Oregon [Comprehensive List]

Oregon has a thriving wrestling scene, with committed athletes across youth, high school, and college levels. For grapplers seeking to expand their abilities, the state offers numerous high-quality wrestling camps. Check out these top Oregon wrestling camps to take your skills to the next level:

  • The Oregon Wrestling Academy

It is based in Beaverton offers intensive training camps focused on elevating wrestlers’ folkstyle and Greco-Roman techniques. With meticulous positional instruction, athletes build technical mastery suited for dominating matches.

  • The Mat Factory

It is based in Tigard runs challenging camps sharpening wrestlers’ stand-up skills, mat wrestling, and mental toughness. High intensity practices prepare athletes for excelling in competition.

  • Teurfs Wrestling Camps

It is based in Oregon City emphasize building flawless wrestling technique suited for consistent success on the mat. Expert coaches break down and ingrain proper mechanics through endless drilling.

  • The Valhalla Wrestling Club

It hosts annual technique and competition camps elevating committed wrestlers to elite skill levels. Located in Portland, the camp’s demanding training regimens unlock wrestlers’ full potential.

  • Mat Town Wrestling Club

Focuses its camps on boosting wrestlers’ physical conditioning and mental grit needed to outlast opponents. Intense sessions in Beaverton build well-rounded athletes ready for the grind of matches.

Youth & Beginner Wrestling Camps


  • Willamina Bulldog Wrestling

Willamina Bulldog Wrestling hosts introductory camps teaching proper stance, motion, positioning and basic techniques to novice wrestlers. The welcoming environment allows elementary and middle school athletes to gain confidence in the sport.

  • North Marion Wrestling Club

North Marion Wrestling Club in Aurora offers beginner-friendly training getting young athletes comfortable with folkstyle wrestling basics. Camps focus on coordination, takedowns, top/bottom fundamentals and having fun.

  • Future Jr. Champions Mat Camp

In Hillsboro, Future Jr. Champions Mat Camp introduces beginner wrestlers ages 5-12 to the sport over several summer sessions. Young athletes gain comfort plus an eagerness to progress.

Oregon Wrestling Camps

  • Oregon Wrestling Academy

The Oregon Wrestling Academy in Beaverton offers intensive training camps focused on elevating wrestlers’ folkstyle and Greco-Roman techniques. With meticulous positional instruction, athletes build technical mastery suited for dominating matches.

  • The Mat Factory

The Mat Factory in Tigard runs challenging camps sharpening wrestlers’ stand-up skills, mat wrestling, and mental toughness. High intensity practices prepare athletes for excelling in competition.

  • Teurfs Wrestling Camps

Teurfs Wrestling Camps in Oregon City emphasize building flawless wrestling technique suited for consistent success on the mat. Expert coaches break down and ingrain proper mechanics through endless drilling.

Female Wrestling Camps

  • Hermatige Wrestling

Hermatige Wrestling in Eugene offers all-girls wrestling camps focused on developing confidence, community and technical skills on the mat. Athletes gain proper positioning, motion and attacks in a safe, welcoming space.

  • SheWrestles Oregon

SheWrestles Oregon hosts weekend camps introducing the sport to beginner and intermediate female wrestlers. Participants explore folkstyle fundamentals while also connecting with fellow female grapplers.

  • Girls Get Grit Camp

Girls Get Grit Camp welcomes middle and high school girl wrestlers of all skill levels for challenging sessions focused on elevating mental toughness and resilience on the mat along with skill.

College Recruiting Camps

  • Oregon Wrestling Academy: College Prep

Oregon Wrestling Academy’s college prep camps provide committed wrestlers with demanding training and exposure to top college programs. Intensive sessions in Beaverton take athletes’ skills to competitive college levels.

  • University of Oregon Prospect Camp

University of Oregon’s prospect wrestling camps allow talented high school wrestlers to experience elite-level coaching in Eugene while also gaining visibility to the UO coaching staff for recruitment.

  • Portland State Elite Camp

The Portland State Elite Camp hosts Oregon’s top high school wrestlers for a weekend of high-level instruction plus skills showcases in front of college coaches seeking their next recruits.

Technique Intensive Camps

  • Oregon Wrestling Academy: Skill Development

Oregon Wrestling Academy’s skill development camps employ meticulous positional instruction to ingrain flawless technique suited for folkstyle and Greco domination. Sessions in Beaverton build technical excellence through focused drilling.

  • Mat Wars Wrestling

Mat Wars hosts summer camps dedicated solely to perfecting the micro skills and mechanics that separate decent wrestlers from champions. Intensive training in Bend elevates positioning, grip-fighting, leverages and execution.

  • Gorilla Nation Wrestling School

Gorilla Nation Wrestling School runs weekend technique camps throughout the off-season focused on fixing weaknesses and developing well-rounded skill sets. Year-round sessions sharpen athletes’ talents by expanding technical knowledge.

Preseason Training Camps

  • The Mat Factory: Preseason Camp

The Mat Factory’s preseason camps put wrestlers through demanding sessions preparing them for the upcoming folkstyle season both physically and mentally. Intense skill, strength and conditioning training build competition readiness.

  • Teurfs Wrestling Camp: Preseason Prep

Through focused fundamental drilling and situational live wrestling, Teurfs preseason training camps equip wrestlers to start the folkstyle season with sharp technique and high conditioning.

  • Oregon Wrestling Academy: Pre-Folkstyle

Oregon Wrestling Academy preps wrestlers for the grind of competition season through challenging practices instilling the technical skills, strength and resilience vital for early season success on the mat.

Competition Focused Camps

  • The Mat Factory: Competition Ready

The Mat Factory’s competition ready camps employ intense situational wrestling, cardio conditioning and practice tournaments for preparing wrestlers to perform when the pressure is high under the bright lights.

  • Teurfs Wrestling Camp: Competition Prep

At its competition prep camps, Teurfs Wrestling puts athletes through repeated high intensity match simulations training wrestlers to dominate when the intensity ramps up against quality opponents.

  • Gorilla Nation: Competition Training

Gorilla Nation Competition Training camps use extensive match-scenario drills plus weekend tournaments during the summer to equip wrestlers with sharp skills and mental toughness suited for wrestling excellence during crunch time.

Offseason Training Opportunities

  • HBG Oregon Wrestling

HBG Oregon Wrestling runs Sunday technique sessions year-round focusing on elevating wrestlers’ skills outside of competition season. Offseason training in Hillsboro builds technical knowledge along with conditioning.

  • Oregon Wrestling Academy: Spring Clinics

Oregon Wrestling Academy hosts intensive spring clinics to help wrestlers shake off rust and build their folkstyle or Greco abilities after some time away from the mat following the winter season.

  • Valor Wrestling Club Portland

Valor Wrestling Club keeps wrestlers sharp in the offseason through demanding Sunday practices along with specialty weekend camps focusing on honing competition skills beyond just the high school folkstyle season.

Final Remarks on “Wrestling Camps in Oregon”

With committed wrestling programs at the youth, high school, and college levels, Oregon has a thriving wrestling culture passionately supported by knowledgeable fans across the state. For motivated young athletes seeking to gain a competitive edge on the mat, Oregon offers many excellent camp options to expand abilities and achieve goals.

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